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STATEMENT: SCOTUS Declines to Hear Lawsuit To Take Away $900 Million/Year From Kids, Education and Give It To Washington’s Mega-Rich
Olympia, WA: Invest in Washington Now, a non-profit organization fighting for a more fair tax code in Washington state, issued the following statement regarding the Supreme Court’s decision not to hear an appeal to overturn Washington state’s capital gains tax…
Washington state no longer has worst tax code in U.S.
Contacts: Melinda Young-Flynn, Washington State Budget and Policy Center; Reiny Cohen, Balance Our Tax Code; Beth Lindsay, Invest in Washington Now By enacting tax credits for people with low incomes and a tax on the ultra-wealthy, advocates and lawmakers strengthened…
Mega-Millionaire Files Initiatives To Rig WA’s Tax System For Himself
I-2109 & I-2111 Would Gut $900 Million from Education and Could Bring Serious Consequences For Millions of Washingtonians Olympia, WA: A mega-millionaire under investigation by the WA Public Disclosure Commission filed a ballot initiative to the legislature that would defund…