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Let’s Rebuild Washington’s Economy To Focus On Financial Wellbeing

Our upside-down tax code is rigged in favor of the ultra-wealthy. With our broken tax code, Washington’s working families face an uphill battle to financial wellbeing. It’s time for a fair and just tax code in Washington.

Take a look at how our tax code impacts families, communities, and our entire state with these resources.

When the wealthy pay their share, we can build thriving communities – families with strong financial wellbeing, teachers with fair wages, students with safe places to learn. That’s why we’re fighting for change.

Learn more about how we can all help Washington’s communities, and use these resources to join the fight!

In 2021, we came together to pass the capital gains tax. In 2022, we defended it in Washington State’s Supreme Court – and won! This huge step forward helps ensure the wealthy pay what they owe.

Check out the facts, legal resources and media support that helped make the capital gains tax a reality.

Washington has the worst tax code in the nation. We pay our share of taxes, and yet our communities struggle and we don’t have all the resources we need to build good lives for our families.

Right now, Washington’s wealthiest residents – mega-millionaires and billionaires – pay less than 3% of their income in state and local taxes. The rest of us pay up to 18%.

Our upside-down tax code deepens the divide between the super-rich and the rest of us. It makes it difficult for families and communities to build and pass on wealth, and disproportionately impacts BIPOC communities.

Fixing our broken tax code is good for Washington – both now and in the future. Access to child care, affordable housing, fully funded schools, economic security, and financial wellbeing improve community outcomes for entire generations.

Washingtonians want a fair tax code. We want communities that have the resources we need to thrive. Take a look at these resources to learn more about the impacts of our upside-down tax code and statewide support for tax justice!


Report: Budget & Policy CenterWashington state’s upside-down tax code is even more racist than you think
Report: Public IntegrityHow state taxes make inequality worse
Report: Center for American ProgressDisparities in Housing, Health Care, Child Care, and Economic Security Affect Babies for Life


Polling: TOPOS PollSpur Our Economic Recovery by Asking the Wealthy to Do More
Polling: Impact Research PollTwo-thirds of voters believe raising taxes on the wealthiest and
corporations will help the economy
Polling: GBAO PollMajority Support for Raising Taxes on the Wealthiest Households

In 2021, Washington’s legislature passed the capital gains tax – which has brought in nearly $900 million for child care and education in its first year! The capital gains tax is a huge step forward for Washington. It’s a step toward making sure the super-rich pay what they owe in taxes, so that our families and communities have the resources we need for financial wellbeing.

We’re proud of the capital gains tax, and we’re proud of every Washingtonian across the state who worked hard to make this step toward tax justice a reality. Small businesses, community organizations, unions, and individuals came together – first to advocate for the capital gains tax, and then to defend it in Washington’s courts.

To learn more about the capital gains tax, public support, legal battles, and the State Supreme Court ruling, use the resources below!

State Supreme Court Legal Resources

State Supreme Court Media Coverage

Douglas County Legal Resources

Douglas County Media Coverage