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Whether it’s about holding the mega-wealthy accountable, making sure our state’s tax code is built to support Washington’s working families, or passing landmark legislation like capital gains – we’ve got the latest news and updates on tax justice.

You’ll also find releases, media resources, and real life examples of why tax justice is so crucial to Washington.

  • We can’t keep falling for the myth of ‘billionaire tax flight’

    Tax flight is a tired myth, one that anti-tax groups have long used to rig our tax code in favor of the wealthy few. Connecting Bezos’ move to taxes only reinforces conservative fear-mongering against making the wealthy pay what they owe to our communities. There are many more billionaires in Washington who still need to pay what…

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  • It now takes at least 6 figures for a family to get by in Seattle

    University of Washington researchers recently published that in Seattle it now takes $102,000 to keep a family of four afloat. The people getting squeezed are not “a small nor a marginal group, but rather represent a substantial proportion of households in the state.” It estimates that more than 1 in 4, or about 700,000 households statewide,…

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